In an effort to free space on my C Drive I decided to move my Music folder to the D Drive - right click, Location, Move, Choose, Go...
And it froze up.
Hmmm... So I killed Explorer, noted I still had the full and complete Music folder on C, had some files on D, but not all. Renamed the newly not-all-the-way moved iTunes folder on D (just in case it deleted as it moved), and started it all over again - and it went. Unfortunately, as close as I can figure, I aimed the Music folder to be moved to the root of D - and now instead of a Music folder pointer on C taking me to D and my iTunes library being intact, I get a D drive Icon that takes me to the D drive and my iTunes library. iTunes won't even startup without the folder path being straight!
After a few Google events that led to nowhere, I come up with a desperate plan to save my iTunes install - I somehow managed to get the D drive to "restore original location" and it pointed back to C:/username/Music, so I nailed that, then it said do I want to move files, I said no, then I had the Music folder back in the username folder. Make a D:/Music folder, slide my iTunes stuff there, - right click on the username/Music folder and search for location, point to the D Drive, and point at it. Success, but a whole lot harder than it had to be.
Moral of the story is don't move a special folder to the root of a drive - you will not like the way it comes out.