I loaded up MultiISO Live DVD (
http://www.badfoo.net/) on a 8 gigger stick. I tried a 4 gigger and the files all loaded (4.03 gig) but there was no space left for the boot tables. MultiISO Live DVD contains:
* Backtrack 3 - we all know this one
* Damn Small Linux (DSL) 4.2.5 - Tiny distro
* GeeXboX 1.1 - Media display...used at IKEA
* Damn Vulnerable Linux (Strychnine) 1.4 edition - Hack Away!
* Knoppix 5.1.1 - General Live CD
* MPentoo 2006.1 - Mini Pen testing distro, with some neat tools, wireless, metasploit, etc
* Ophcrack 1.2.2 (remastered to contain SSTIC04-5k [720MB] table sets) - - parseword cracking, with decent rainbowtable
* Puppy Linux 3.01 - A mini linux distro
* Byzantine OS i586-20040404 - mini linux distro with focus on home entertainment
I am posting with SeaMonkey browser in Puppy Linux. I never played with Puppy Linux before and it is a cute distro. I am going to explore the Ophcrack since there are some interesting rainbow tables included with the distro. I had to pluck MultiISO LiveDVD off of BitTorrent but it went relatively fast (8hr).
My keychain is getting to be a laugh at work these days.