Well, the HD Install HOWTO made it seem very simple to install Knoppix to the hard disc. When complete it will be your standard Debian Install.
I went to a root shell and did knoppix-installer as per:
http://www.knoppix.net/docs/index.php/HdInstallHowToIt launches qtparted, which is a Partition Magic for Linux, I deleted my NTFS partitioni and created one 2.5 GB root ext3 partition, one 512MB Linux Swap partition, and the rest Fat32, about 17 Gigs. When I exit this it then asks me if i want to install configuration or create, obviously, i create one first. It asks me what i want my new parsewords to be, what new user to create, what to name the laptop, and where to copy the files. Pretty straight forward. Then i copy the configuration, this takes about 40 minutes. From here I should be able to reboot and be good to go!
But, I am not that lucky. I get a Missing Opertating System error. Crap.
I do some research and tried reinstalling my Lilo, but i get errors. I need to comment out a line. I do so in lilo.conf and make a few edits as to where my root partition is. I reinstall lilo by doing sbin/lilo after chrooting to my root partition. I reboot and i am now getting errors that my filesysystem is corrupt. I read that this could happen after to many illegal powerdowns. Which i had to do a few times. So I reformat and reinstall. Still no go. I then looked in my fstab and noticed it was empty. The fstab is where all my partitions and drives are specified. There was nothing in there. I added some lines that I thought would work. I couldnt find a clear documentation that I understood as to how it was supposed to be. So I came to a stand still here. Went a whole day without touching the laptop. The Knoppix forums told me i was pioneering problems..hehe..
The following day I went back to my HDInstall HOWTO, the link to the HOWTO told me to do knoppix-installer if i was using the latest Knoppix disk, which i did, but the actual HOWTO said to use knx-hdinstall. So i did it this way. The configuration was slightly different but it worked like a charm.
I am now posting from my Knoppix/Debian Linux Laptop.
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Questions? Comments? Concerns?