I really can't say why I took the site down. In many cases it just wasn't going anywhere and it probably still won't be going anywhere. I am putting it back online because I miss it. I miss just ranting and having a place to put things that are on my mind or things that I find. I have been wanting to put it back online for sometime but time was not on my side. The time factor has also affected my frequenting of other forums which I enjoy reading and posting at. Some of the forum posts were lost during an accidental deletion but I doubt that anyone but me will notice. There are a few changes to the site. I am now using a web portal called Enigma which has capabilites for Article, FAQ, Downloads, and Links management. Whether they will be used is yet to be seen. Articles can be submitted to me and I can choose whether or not they will be displayed.
So if you are reading this. Hello. 8)