/me Pats David on the back... hehe...
Yeah, last year they started me out on the Help Desk. This was pretty boring compared to the crap i had hoped I was doing, basically we take calls from all over the state from people who work for the attorney general and try to help them with their computer problems, mine sweeper, but mainly what i did was reset parsewords!.
common problems were printers not printing, icons disappearing, freezing problems, and crap like that. For every problem they had before there was a database of solutions. and any problems we couldnt help with over the phone, we would send someone over, an ISSS was what they were called, Information System Support Specialist, i think is what it stands for.
Half way through the summer i was asked to go to the ISSS side so that i can try that out. This was a lot better. More hands on work, installing software, hard drives, cd roms, and imaging windows was mainly what we did. We also set up whole offices with computers and crap like that. Some problems were staight forward, others were not.
As far as the job market goes, i am worried. I will probably end up getting an entry level position at a help desk, i am not to sure how the job market is up there in Austin, but down here in the RIo Grande Valley it is not that great. I am hoping to get on with the attorney general, but that seems unlikely due to fundage...
well, i must go, will back later.....