I have been messing with the Pocket PC a lot, whether it be for leisure or for school.
For school I have gone paperless with this damned thing!! I have two clarsees that require some serious arse note taking, Sociology and Ethics.
At first i would use the stylus to take down the notes. I still used Graffiti, or something like Graffiti, ah hell, its Graffiti only they dont call it that on the PPC, its Block- Recognizer. But after a few weeks my hand would hurt because the stylus was so thin. So then I started reading up on All in One Stylus Pens over at
www.aximsite.com, reviews and such.
I finally decided on this bad boy.
http://biz.yahoo.com/iw/030313/051947i.htmlStylus, Pen, Laser Pointer, and LED. Kick arse, cept, I used the crap out of the laser and light the first week and killed the batteries, expensive arse watch batteries, 2.99 each, and it takes four. So i have yet to get the batteries, the pen was 13 bucks so the batteries will equal out to a whole new pen. Maybe i should buy a new pen when the batteries die?
Anyway, this thing made taking my notes kick arse. Plus if you saw the pic, its silver just like the Axim. I was doing great with this, and Word was doing me good, until i needed to see documents with Tables. It would not render them properly, or not at all. So I installed Textmaker 2002
http://www.softmaker.de/tmp_en.htm, this App looks and feels just like Word for the desktop, but it was memory hungry! So i used it for awhile and finally removed it. If i had a document with tables i needed to see later i would save it as Webpage and use IE to view it. I do miss the ease of numbering and bulleting of Textmaker though.
So then as the notes taking got more intense I started seeing the need for a keyboard. I have one for the Palm. So I started looking for a thumbkeyboard, since they are small. But then i went on down to the local Office Depot and found this guy:
http://www.pocketop.net/got it clearanced because it did not have the stand. But i dont really need it, i just switch to landscape view and rest the Axim on the Dell case it came with. And on a note on the Landscape view, it is not a feature that comes with PPCs, but i had installed the drivers for this keyboard awhile back just to have Landscape funtionality, so when i got the board it worked right away.
So now note taking is a breeze,and i get oohs and aahs from students and from my professors.
Paper? i dont need no stinking Paper!!
oh, and today was the first day i used Pocket Excel for a table my ethics teacher put on the board. Very Kick arse, and if you familiar with the desktop version its a breeze to use, slightly different though...
Later i will get into PowerPoint Presentations, Maps and Movies...
For now I must sleep....