Well, i was having a hard time getting online with the Ax last night. The wireless router acts as my DHCP server and it was issueing my Axim an IP, the Gateway, and all that good stuff, so theoretically(sp?) I should have been able to get on the net, but nope.
I did some reading at Aximsite and a lot of people had the same problem i was having. I was using a Dell Truemobile 1180 CF Wireless card and so were a lot of others who were having problems. They solved the problem by returning the router. I wasnt about to do that. I got the Dell CF card at work and we use Ambicom wireless CF cards also, so I was going to wait til monday to try that card. But, this afternoon Mali and I stopped at Office Depot and I ALWAYS check out the clearance. And what do I find? A D-Link CF Wireless card clearanced at 20 bucks plus and additional 50% off! So of course i got it.
When i got home a little while ago, i went to D-Link.com and downloaded Beta Pocket PC Mobile 2003 Drivers. Popped the card in and it worked like a charm..... So the problem is the TrueMobile card doesnt like the D-Link router.....
Questions? Comments? Concern?