Hey Weave!
I'm still here but hardly ever log on. Luckily I setup my Google Reader to check for new posts here a few years ago so I was able to see you post. I spend most of my time online on Google Plus. Lots of geekery there. Should be able to see me here
www.digisal.com/+I'm a big Android geek. Have lots of Android devices in the house and running Ubuntu Linux on several computers. I recently purchased a Raspberry Pi mini computer and was playing with that for awhile as a media player but it couldn't handle all I wanted it to do. I need to revisit that. So I went back to ps3mediaserver on an Ubuntu desktop to stream movies and TV to my ps3.
I am writing this from an Android Nexus 7 so Greetings from a Nexus 7!
I got married this past February 8 and we have a pet Barseet Hound named Fred.