March 11, 2007

Throw Me The Money

When I used to work as a cashier in the past it used to always upset me that older people would throw their money at me rather than hand it to me. Sometimes out of frustration I used to throw their change back but not always. I was at Walgreens this evening and the older…

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February 13, 2007

The SparkPlug Dilema

Well it seems as though that plug is not going to come out easily. Rob and I posted on some forums for suggestions and Rob did a few of them. From trying to knock out whats left of the porcelain, to trying to unscrew it by tapping it with a screwdriver. So now it looks…

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February 10, 2007

2007 – Year of the Corvette

So, I almost never make new years resolutions and I know its already February but I stated this back in January.This year will be the year that I drive my Corvette as much as I did back when I got it back in ’99.It has proven not to be as easy as hopping in and…

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January 8, 2007


I remember when I was a kid. I don’t know what age. I would have to ask my mom, and that is if she even remembers. Anyway, now that I am older I can look back and I can see that I either had a nervous breakdown or an anxiety attack. I don’t know over…

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December 11, 2006

Duncan Butterfly YoYo

Dug this guy up while unpacking those boxes in my garage. I was surprised that the string still keeps this guy from crashing to the floor. I keep it at work and walk around with it at times. Stress relief!! But I can’t for the life of me make it sleep!!I wish I could remember…

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December 7, 2006


When I was unpacking and cleaning boxes that were still in my garage I found these cool Swiss Army Knives. One for my Colorado and one for the Corvette. I was sitting and eating a little while ago and took this pic. The one with the Las Vegas key chain (thanks Rob) is for the…

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December 6, 2006

This Too Shall Pass

Will it? Heartache is a terrible thing. It is also a strange thing. It’s odd that the person you ache for is the only person that can make everything good again. It’s funny that the same person that can make me cry can also make me laugh at the same moment in time. It’s a…

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