January 7, 2009

The Red Eye

As I write this, my left eye is a tad bit bloodshot. I don’t think I have ever had the Pink Eye so I am not sure if that is what it is, you dig? I didn’t feel any discomfort until I started looking at the computer screen.Well, as reported yesterday, today I moved in…

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January 6, 2009


Been shuffling people around at work. Moving thier PCs and phones. Tomorrow is the big move. I am switching offices for the third time in the five years I have been there. I am going to miss the office I am at now. It’s in a corner and I see very little foot traffic. It can…

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January 6, 2009

How Did They Do That

I love me a good movie. I take that back, I love me a GREAT movie. We live in time where people can do some awesome things with movie editing but more importantly we live in a time where people are writing some great stories, books, and even movie scripts. Tonight I saw “The Curious Case of…

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January 4, 2009


This evening at church the ambulance had to be called for one of the teens who was having trouble breathing. The whole church was outside waiting on the ambulance and I stood off to the side just watching and thinking. I started to feel bad for the parents of the teen. They don’t come to…

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January 4, 2009

Checkers Mate

Some people may look at Juan and see a mean ogre but the guy has a soft spot as well.While enjoying fellowship at Grammas house on New Years Day, I captured Juan and his mini-me, David, playing a few rounds of Checkers.I thought I would share this lighter-side of Juan with you all that don’t…

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January 1, 2009

The Worst New Years Ever

As I was driving home from church last night, in the rain, a memory came back about one New Years night. I don’t have to many memories of New Years nights. For a few years I think I would just hang out with Rob at his house, mainly for the BBQ, but now I just…

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November 1, 2008

On The Last

Well wouldn’t you know it. I missed the deadline for the last day of the photoblog every day in October by about twenty minutes though. It was worth it though. Had a jolly ol’ time with the gang at Wallbangers then at the Races. Kung Fu Panda was there. Not the real deal though. She…

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October 30, 2008

Do What?

Luke came down to work on a roof and to preach at our church this week and since tonight is his last night here before heading back to North Carolina we took him out to Wallbangers and for a little Rip Stiking.He had never heard of a Rip Stik so when we asked him to…

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