Blog / Entertainment · November 29, 2022 1

Long Attention Span

Short-form content is not for me.

TikTok, Reels, and YouTube Shorts are all the rage right now but I just can’t get into watching such short clips. Yes, if you send me something, chances are I will watch it but then that’s it. I won’t continue watching more and more. Lucky for me, I don’t need the TikTok app to watch what you people send.

Give me a long in-depth video or a 750+ article.

I enjoy digging deep into the subject matter. If it’s a recipe, I want to know why those particular ingredients were chosen (not so much that it was a family heirloom). If it’s the story of a funny wedding incident, I want to know how the couple met, how did he propose, or did she?

Why do I want so much detail?

I love a good story. Not thisĀ new Instagram / Facebook Short-Form Vertical Video Story.

A real story with characters, plot….with meat.

There are some good stories on Reddit. I will often times surprise myself with the huge wall of text I just read. I recently discovered a subReddit called BestofRedditorUpdates. The gist of it is that people will post about an incident that happened and then will provide more and more updates as the story of the incident evolves. This is a recent Update I found entertaining. Click here to read it.

Longreads is another source for…long reads. I subscribe to their email list and get some of their top articles.

Sometimes short and to the point is better.

When is short, concise content good? When I’m trying to learn how to fix a car problem from a YouTube Mechanic!

What’s your story?