Blog · January 1, 2021 2

20 Read in 2020

Every year I set a Goodreads book reading challenge. For 2020, I set a goal of 20 books. I have never been able to reach the goals I set but I was determined to hit the goal this year. In the beginning of 2020, I was building a lot of furniture and that is when I listen to the most Audiobooks. But when COVID hit in March, I did not build.

Instead, I listened while BBQing or working on the yard. Listened while jogging. Listened while walking.

The missus and I started sitting by the firepit so we used our Kindles to read while out there. That added a book to my list. I was also gifted two Peter Heller books from Reddit in the Summer and I was able to finish one of those. The second one I was reading all the way up until 10pm on Dec. 31st. I think I could have finished it but decided 20 books in 2020 was a good number.


Click to see all my Books


In 2021, I have set a goal of 25 books. Have any recommendations?