I snapped some pics when I got out of work and they are doing pretty good. Looks like Lightning Maqueen was doing the work!
The first pic was taken 2 or 3 months before I moved in as you can see from the date stamp.
And in case you were wondering, thats my neighborhood and that is my flag. 🙂
its about time ..You street was starting to look like the streets in San Benito .. No offense to ” San Benitoians ” I’d go and give those guys a 5 dollar bill .. lol .. and see if they can go and do a half as job in your alley way . !! It would’nt hurt to ask . Go do it . I would .
Thats a nice looking neighborhood.
hey bro how do I leave a comment on paradise driver he has a contest going on but I can’t comment
Hey thanks bro I did it and it worked all the fancy stuff on that blog was throwing me off.
yeh, i guess Wil didnt like the comment feature provided for us by Blogger. I can understand. i dont like it that much either but i dont get as many comments as he does so i live with it.
good luck!
Wil sent me some calendars one year. Ill have to blog about my thing about Calendars one day. 🙂
yeah you need to blog this one is getting old